Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Hamdi Tchelepi MEMBERS
Department Chair, Professor, Energy Science & Engineering, Stanford University
United States
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  • 2022
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
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  • 2022
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
Election Remark
Hamdi works on modeling and simulation of fluid flow, transport, and fluid-structure interactions in natural and artificial porous media. Ongoing research activities include:
(1) simulation of unstable fluid flow in heterogeneous porous media,
(2) multiscale algorithms for coupled mechanics and fluid flow in subsurface formations,
(3) stochastic methods for the quantification of the uncertainty associated with predictions of fluid-structure dynamics in heterogeneous porous media,
and (4) simulation-based design of the next-generation of Lithium-ion batteries.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2022.